Getting to know my dogs grooming needs

Many people will get a dog and not do the research that breeds needs. Sometimes we get so caught up in the “look” of the breed, that we don’t take into consideration the needs and work it takes to maintain that breeds coat, hygiene and activity level needed to keep them healthy and happy.

Things you should Know

I knew when I got Boomer (my Lhasa Apso and Poodle mix) I was going to have to brush him everyday and keep his face and feet clean. Luckily I know how to groom dogs so I keep him regularly groomed and happy!

There are some basic tools every pet owner should have/own to keep your fur baby happy for all it’s years we are lucky to have them with us. They are only here for a short time, so keeping them the happiest is well worth it. also, they deserve to live the best life possible!